Renowned for his powerful presence, inspiring live shows and thought-provoking lyricism. In a short space of time, the Western Sydney artist has gone from underground community events and ciphers to national tours and major festivals. It speaks of an MC with a sense of purpose and self-belief.
Inspired by the soulful movement in US hip hop of the late 1990s / early 2000s, and the love and respect for his own cultural and ancestral roots of the Sikhs from Punjab, India, L-FRESH is an artist like no other.
Aligning himself with many social justice issues, L-FRESH The LION has dedicated himself to working tirelessly in the community. His debut album One (May, 2014) announced L-FRESH The LION as part of a new generation of hip hop artists currently making waves in the music industry. It’s a time of change and there’s excitement in the air watching young people magnetised by the uplifting narrative of L-FRESH The LION’s single ‘Survive’ – embraced by triple j and community radio stations all over the country.
His engaging live show has travelled the country supporting the likes of Hilltop Hoods, Thundamentals and Urthboy, as well as stepping onto the international stage in 2015, selling out his first headline show in London.